Refractory Scanning & Inspection

Using advanced metrology equipment, new and existing refractory linings may be digitized to create dense point clouds, and photo textures, which provides a unique record of the lining condition.  Millions of data points may be captured in minutes, providing detailed inspection results in a timely and safe manner.  This information allows for refined refractory service life predictions and informed maintenance decisions that may be otherwise difficult to achieve with manual, periodic measurements.

The example below shows an inverted cylindrical gasifier sidewall from a recent inspection.  The refractory sidewall data was captured in less than five minutes, yet yields thousands of measurement opportunities and other analyses that would not otherwise be possible.  RefracTech utilizes a combination of commercial software and proprietary methods to link these results to refractory performance characteristics and design knowledge, such that each result is correctly interpreted and presents valuable insights to the behavior of the refractory lining.

Note:  Manipulate the model by clicking below.  Zoom into the center to get a virtual view from inside the gasifier.

Radial Measurement Profile


The point cloud is compared against the original dimensions of the lining to view wear patterns.

Flattened Texture Map


The cylindrical refractory lining may be unrolled for easier viewing and reporting purposes.

Interpreted Results


The unwrapped cylinder may be oriented and analyzed, such that the refractory thickness is observed and specific radial measurements can be post-processed and saved for future comparisons.

Please contact RefracTech to discuss if refractory scanning and digitization is appropriate for your application.